Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My top 3 of FME 2014

Tomorrow is the unveiling of FME 2015 (exiting!), a good moment for me to look back at my top 3 for FME 2014.
Many great features were introduced in FME 2014 some I have used more that others and based on that I have created this top 3 FME 2014 list.

Number 3 - at my top 3 FME 2014 list.

The ability to save data directly from the Data Inspector.

This ability was present in the Universal Viewer and was temporarily unavailable in previous versions of the Data Inspector, luckily the ability was introduced back in FME 2014.
I have made considerable use of this functionality, sometimes as temporary mid-translation results and in occasions as full blown translation results.

Number 2 - at my top 3 FME 2014 list.

Canvas objects selection mode.

FME 2014 got a major face lift for the look and feel and when I occasionally use older FME versions it makes me shudder with amazement, not that older versions were that bad but did I ever find the old looks acceptable?
I am now so used to the slick FME 2014 look that it makes me wonder if there can be any improvements to be made, will I get surprised again tomorrow? I sure hope so.
The ability to select canvas object overlapping the selection tool has proven to be a major improvement, which deserves a respectable second place.
This ability coupled with the objects alignment tools, make it a very powerful combined tool to easily rearrange, select canvas objects in particular and edit the canvas in its totality. Nowadays I couldn't live without it. 
The disappearance of the canvas grid was a major issue, according to a poll at the FMEUC this issue was found to be so major that it is returning in FME 2015.
I personally never really missed it and still don't understand what the fuss is about, my workspaces never looked so ordered!


Number 1 - at my top 3 FME 2014 list.

NULL support.

At the lunching of FME 2014, and even before full null support was introduced/announced. 
At the time I really wondered whether it will have such an effect on my dealings with data, I cant tell you that it did!
By representing null (and its variation) according to the format's manner of handling it, FME forced me to learn and understand each and every format I am using and it's handling of null values.
So in a very subtle and indirect way FME has taught me a great deal on many formats.
This for me is the number one reason why null support is at the top my 3 FME 2014 list. 

Looking forward to hear Don and Dale (always a pleasure) revealing new features and additions.
I am tuning in are you?