Thursday, January 16, 2014

FME 2014 - look and feel

FME 2014 is released and available. I have only been using it for the past week, this post will be about my first impressions of the new release.

My first impression of FME 2014 is the amazing speed in which the new look makes  FME 2013 look so chunky and outdated.
This might not be (and probably isn't) the most important addition in the new release, but its a striking one, right from the start.
Its is very easy to get used to the smoothness introduced with this new FME release.

Again hat's off for the people at Safe!!

A few more apparent improvements\changes are:
  • Bookmarks and annotations have had a major touch up which makes them more user friendly and easier to use, supporting links and adjustable text properties.
  •  Naturally a new theme is also expected with every release of FME, as announced the lizard came back to vanquished the zipster into the sands of the red planet.
  • Another immediately apparent change to me, is the option to save your workspace while the translation is running. This is for me a major user interface improvement, that can save a lot of awkward moments when running unsaved workspaces crash.
  • The selection of features on the workbench canvas is another major improvement, don't forget to activate it! (Tools > FME Options >Workbench)

Well thats it for now,  as I continue to use FME 2014 and get better acquainted with all the new additions, I  expect additional posts about FME 2014 additions.

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